
The contractor function allows you to add a contractor tag to the user. In this tag contains the name of the contractor. Below have been described how to add a new contractor to Impact and how to add a contractor tag for the desired user.

Adding a contractor to Impact

Contractors can be added to Impact from the admin page under the Contractors tab.

1. Click the Add Contractor button.

2. The text box opens to the right. You can type the name of the contractor you want in the text box.

3. Click Save and the contractor will be saved in the Contractor list on the left.


To edit the name of contractor, click on the name of the contractor in the list on the left and the contractor's details will open on the right. The name can be edited in the same way as when creating a new contractor.


Adding a contractor tag to a user

Contractor tag can be added to a user from the admin page under Users tab.

1. Select the user from the list of all users on the left and click on it.

2. When the user's permissions open in the table on the right, click on the user's name above the table.

3. You can add a contractor tag by clicking on the contractor box in the window that opens. A drop-down menu will show all account´s contractors.

4. Select the desired contractor from the list and click on it to select that contractor's name in the field.

5. Finally, click Save to save the changes to the user's information.


Deleting or changing the contractor tag from the user can be done in the same way as adding it. For deleting the contractor tag choose in the contractor box Reset contractor information and save. After that the contractor tag is deleted for that user.