Frequency tab

This guide walks through the content of the Frequency tab and how it can be used to view data.

The Frequency tab allows you to view the accident frequency of a company. To get the accident frequency, the working hours of the company must be reported in Impact, and the accident reports must be collected in Impact. For more detailed instructions on how to collect these, see the separate guide.

The accident frequency on the frequency tab

To get the accident frequency, you need to select the templates you have used to report accidents in the template filter. If you wish, you can also include safety observations, for example, to look at how safety observations and accident rates compare.

  • The frequency tab provides the following graphs:
  • The number of accidents occurring in relation to time.
  • Accident frequency per million hours worked.
  • The possibility to view LTIF and RTIF frequencies.
  • Number of accidents by category.

Below is a more detailed description of the contents of the tab.


The first graph on the tab shows the observations from the selected/selected templates in terms of time. Time filters can be used to change the analysis range as well as the analysis precision. When there is more than one template selected in the template filter, the different templates are displayed in different colors in the graph.

Frequency per million hours worked              

The following graph shows the observations of the selected template(s) per million working hours based on the reported working hours in Impact. Using various filters, the graph can print out, for example, the incident frequencies for different departments or the frequency of responses from other templates per million working hours.

Different frequencies

If you want to specify different frequencies in the graph, such as LTIF and RTIF frequencies, you need to pay attention to the following points when building the tools and viewing the analytics:

  • Base answers, such as accidents and lost time accidents, can be disaggregated using analytics filters. When building the base, it is useful to add a simple component to help disaggregate the answers, such as a checkbox for the Accident due to absence.
  • Working hours can be reported in Impact for different cost centers and for different employee groups, such as employees in production, office and contractors. These can be used to filter the graph, for example, by the frequency of accidents in different departments or employee groups.


You can read more about accident frequency and working hour reporting in their own guidelines:

Amount per category

In the bottom graph of the tab, the values of the completed documents for the selected template(s) can be viewed. For example, the graph can be used to break down the number of observation reports by type of observation or accidents by type of accident in terms of time. To get the desired values of the graph in terms of time, the building of the bases should consider the desired objects of analysis.

For example, to look at different types of accidents, there should be a drop-down menu at the tool, listing the possible types of accidents. In this way, when accidents are analyzed in the frequency tab, the accident types that are present in the completed documents will appear in the graph as separate columns.

Printing/saving graphs

From Analytics, you can get the graphs out via the three lines in the top right corner of the graph. A drop-down menu opens to open the graph in a new window or save it in a format of your choice.