Unfinished, Updatable tools & Archive

This guide walks you through where to find and use unfinished and updatable tools in Impact. The guide also walks through the archiving of the updatable checklist.

On the Tools page, below from the start of tool completion, you will see listings for unfinished, updatable and archive. By default, each user is presented with a list of their own unfinished tools, the following tabs in the list display the active and archived updatable checklists.

The list can be sorted by clicking on the column headings. Listing tools can also be filtered using the page filters. Filters can be used as described below.

  • Template: This field can be used to select the template(s) for which the unfinished tools or updatable tools are to be searched.
  • Level: This field can be used to select the level(s) of the organizational tree for which the unfinished or updatable tools are to be searched.
  • In addition, the Search field can be used to help filter and search.

The filters can be cleared by clicking on the Clear Filters button.

Unfinished tools

Once a tool has been started as a logged in user, it can be saved as unfinished and can be continued after a break. Tool filling can be interrupted by clicking on Continue later in the top right corner of the filling view.

The unfinished tool will be saved in the tools page in the unfinished list. Each user will see their own unfinished tools in the list. At the top of the list is the tool that has had the latest edits made to it. By clicking on a tool, it will open back to the filling step The tool to be filled has saved all the data that has already been filled in on previous/previous sessions. The tool can be saved as an unlimited number of unfinished items before final completion.

Updatable tools

When you start a new updatable checklist and save it as ready, it will be saved in the list on the Tools page of the Updatables list. Clicking on the Update heading will bring up a list of tools that can be updated after the first completion. In this list, all users in the organization will see the updatable checklists that have been completed for the levels to which they have tools rights.

Updating a tool is to be done as follows.

  1. Select the tool you wish to update from the list and click on the tool to open it.
  2. The tool will open in a pop-up window containing the answers from the previous version.
  3. Edit the answers and finally click finish.
  4. A new version of the tool has now been created and you can access it from the Documents page. Or update it again in the same way.


When you no longer want to update a checklist, it can be archived in the list under the Archive heading on the Tools page. In this list, all users in the organization will see the checklists to be updated that have been completed for the levels to which they have tools rights. Archiving the updatable checklists makes it easier to manage them.

An updatable checklist cannot be archived if it is still linked to open tasks. Archiving can be done as follows by the account owner.

  1. Click on the tool you want to archive in the Updates list and click on it to open it
  2. Then click on the Archive button in the top left corner and confirm your selection.
  3. After confirmation, the checklist will move from the Updates list to the Archive list.

After archiving, the documents generated from the updatable checklist can still be viewed as normal from the Documents page. In addition, the checklist to be updated can be restored from the archive using the Restore from archive button.