All updates and changes
- Account owner might turn "welcome-email" off. If you're using SSO this directs users to use it instead of username & password combination.
- User with role and task-permissions on levels will limit task visibility only the levels they have access to
- FIX: In some cases responsible component disappeared when using search
- New method for SSO log in
- Fixes for dynamic rules & translations
- Changing value doesn't affect that easily rules or empty the translation
Language corrections have been made to the user interface
Reporters will no longer see tasks from the document page unless they have task permissions.
Interrupted document page loading will no longer return users to the page but will allow continued use of the system.
- New options to set responsibility for task and create a review process
- Expand processing phase for a bigger screen
- Logged in users can see now their own reports (documents) without a document permission
- New documents filters: My team's documents, My Documents
Other improvements
- Changing header sizes also affects the preview and processing phases, making it easier to separate and process sections.
- Fixed duplicated headers.
- Task rights allow users to handle tasks assigned to them, even if the rights are set for a different site
- The performance of tool submissions has been improved by moving processing to the backend system. In the future, users will no longer see who the notification is sent to.
Fixes for tool editor
- User interface fixes for tool editor that components align better
- Add new components using "button" an alternative way for drag'n'drop
- Rule window can be scrolled in 2 columns
- Title component size can be changed
Roles - Read instructions
- Possibility to add roles and limit visibility of tasks and documents
Other improvements
- Favorite management with star now available on WEB as well
- Mobile browser fixes to fit in mobile screen
- Language selection to level & tool link
- Export Training data as an Excel or CSV
- Admin or user can set default Cost Center
- CustomID for organization tree for integration purposes
- Supervisor-subordinate relationship
- Supervisor can see documents created by his team
9.9.2024 - New version of Mobile application 7.2.4
- Improvement favorite management for tools to click star to activate or inactivate it as favorite tool
- Fixes for elements to fit in mobile screen
- Document filtering practices improved
- Fixes for tool translations
- New feature: Archive chemicals per location
- When chemical list is filtered with Level information the green circle indicates the risk assessment status on that specific location (green = done, grey = not done)
- The link for a chemical will direct to the chemical's quick guide page instead of the safety data sheet
- Improved layout for Quick guide and Label pages.
- Optimized performance when adding chemical to a location
- Fixed profile page settings and saving default level
- Fixed contractor information addition in user management
- Organization notification management will now be accessible only to account owners
- Fixed: some users are having problems with changes not saving to updateable checklist.
- Improved image management when loaded to the tools
- Weekly tasks reminders are now divided in two separate emails
- Level-filter is mandatory in Analytics
- Major performance improvements to long updateable checklists in web
Bug fixes
- Translations not working in web
- sending feedback to reporter from Tasks-page email was always english
- training reminder-emails to admin containing unnecessary users
- users imported from excel not getting organisations default language
- uses created through REST API not getting organisations default language
- The issue where updating updateable checklist creates new tasks when updating the list is now solved.
- There was issue with production server that was preventing users from using Impact 13.12.2023 16.01 - 16.12. Issue is now fixed.
Bug fixes
- tasks are not created from forms with tododate-component.
Bug fixes
- send-button not visible when reporting with link in mobile browsers.
Other changes
- Minimum required IOS version changed from 12 to 13.
Other improvements
- IN-4053 if user has 2FA enabled, browser is auto-focused to 2FA input after inputting other credentials
- IN-3996 removed "Continue"-options after not-logged-in user has filled form with link.
- IN-3557 checklist and updateable checklist groups can be be expanded collapsed, making long documents easier to fill.
- IN-3999 reported by form field same width as other UI elements when using form with link
Bug fixes
- IN-3421 updatable checklist created tasks to user, even though user was removed as responsibl person
- IN-3621 unable to change level for chemical risk assessment and updated column not updating correctly.
- IN-3802 if there was two safety data sheets for the same date, user was not always seeing the most recent one.
- IN-4013 creation of new user with user component not working
- BUG: taking or attaching photo not working for android mobile app users. This issue is fixed in Android app version 7.0.4 which mandatory update to all Android users. Attaching photo from gallery is disabled from 7.0.4, but will be made active in upcoming versions after 7.0.4
- Better positioning of language selector when creating document
- More clear separation between observations when creating checklist with multiple observations
- Clearer instructions that only account owner can edit organisation default settings in admin/notifications.
- Better instructions to user about password requirements, when user is setting the password
- The indicator that tells if the chemical is already in the account appears faster.
- Multiple user experience improvements to chemical risk assessment process
- BUG: Correct translation to frequency field in chemical risk assessment process
- BUG: When browsing chemical listing to the last chemical the next button was not disabled.
- BUG: Danger word not translating correctly in Norwegian safety data sheets.
- BUG: In training listing, the deadline-field was shown even though the training was completed
- BUG: Admin should only get weekly reminder from users training if the user user training-permission to the same level as admin.
- BUG: Users are not able to finish documents' which have been started by copying existing document.
- BUG: newly created users did not get organization default language
- BUG: users receiving notifications from tasks that do not belong to them
- BUG: users receiving double nofitifications from their tasks
- BUG - CHEMICALS - IN-3901: chemical risk assessment, changed exposure labels not to use primary action colour.
- BUG - CHEMICALS - IN-3903: after opening risk assessment, tab was shown to be Chemicals.
- BUG - CHEMICALS- IN-3904: reduced risk assessment's status chart width
- BUG - CHEMICALS - IN-3911: added mouse hover over highlighting to row
- BUG - CHEMICALS - IN-2906: fixed risk assessment frequency description to be more clear.
- BUG - CHEMICALS - IN-3622: opening chemical and returning to listing remembers filters
- BUG - IN-3972: private field visible in "assigned task" and "weekly reminder"-emails if it was the first text field from the template
- BUG - IN-3967: weekly reminders not working
- FEATURE - IN-2807: chemical_manager permission added to user end-point for API users.
- Bug: Some users had problems adding new users
- Bug: long updateable checklist are working slow
- Bug: admin - unable to add user if level permissions are open.
- Bug: admin - when looking at levels permissions not all users were visible
- Bug: some user were not able to finish tasks in Task-page
- Bug: not all chemicals were visible when looking chemicals through link as not-logged in guest
- Bug: if there was forms reported through link and that alert triggered and alert, it was impossible for the user to send the form, this error was active from 16.10 - 18.10
- Feature: IN-3721 More use cases for cost center structure
- Feature: IN-3730 Improvements to REST API user management endpoints
- Feature: IN-2306 Notifications from chemical additions and SDS updates
- Feature: IN-3405 default responsible can now be changed when creating document
- Bug: Users are still shown in the admins list even after all permissions are removed.
- Feature: IN-3223 When adding chemicals, listing will show what chemicals are already added to the organisation by green dots
- Feature: IN-2051 Documents can now be copied to start a new one with the same base data
- Feature: IN-3397 When creating a new QR -code company logo is shown by default instead of Impact logo
- Feature: IN-3661 You can now search chemicals that are missing tags
- Feature: IN-3663 Missing mandatory fields are now highlighted in tasks page
- Feature: IN-3664 Updateable checklist has now wider help text boxes
- Feature IN-3665 Checklist help texts lines break now correctly
- Feature IN-2439 When editing tools, if you drag components in a long list of components the screen will scroll now with the component
- Bug: IN-3632 Fixed a bug where chemical link was shown sometimes as double when creating a new one
- Bug: IN-1578 Fixed a bug where form -type description was not showing correctly
- Feature: IN-3668 Item name is now shown correctly in app
- Bug: IN-3669 Back button now works correctly on android devices
- Feature: IN-2378 Chemical id is now shown to the customer in chemical page
- Feature: IN-3391 Massive overhaul how permissions work. Should make large organisations much faster
- Bug: IN-3668 Items field now shown correctly on documents
- Bug: IN-3681 Fixed a bug where users were not able to reset password in some cases with + character existing in the new password
- Feature: IN-3555 Users without permissions to the target organisation won't receive emails from the organisation anymore
- Bug: IN-3674 Fixed a problem where sometimes organisation modules were not showing up before refreshing cache
- Feature: IN-3485 Chemicals loaded by Kemikaalikita now retrieve automatical date for last checked at column
- Feature: IN-3644 You can now navigate between documents with arrow keys
- Feature: IN-63 Added signature component to templates
- Feature: IN-3455 Only chemicals in levels that the user has access to are shown in the chemicals menu
- Feature: IN-3074 Users can now draw to the uploaded photos when filling a tool
- Feature: IN-1879 New password requirements are now implemented.
- >12 characters
- >1 uppercase letter
- >1 lowercase letter
- >1 number
- >1 special character
- Feature: IN-3095 When user is changing password, the email is now sent to the old email to confirm the change. Also when changing the password it's now mandatory to repeat the new password
- Feature: IN-3458 2FA is now in available
- Feature: IN-2844 Theres now more filter options in chemical management page
- Feature: IN-3367 Theres multiple languages added to the chemical sds translations
- Feature: IN-2345 You can now copy a document to start filling a new one with the same data as the original
- Feature: IN-3560 Organisation admin can now edit levels responsible user
- Bug: IN-3598 Fixed a bug where default todo user for a level could not be removed in some cases
- Bug: IN-3481 Now theres correctly copy text on new template when copying from template
- Bug: IN-3623 Fixed a bug where task could be marked as completed even though mandatory fields are empty
- Bug: IN-3648 Fixed a bug where password reset was not working in some cases
- Hot fix: Fixed an bug with analytics risk assessment chart where key value pairs didn't work
- Hot fix: Fixed an bug with analytics risk assessment chart where key value pairs didn't work
- Feature: IN-3419 Added new state of a chemical "Aerosol" to chemical risks
- Feature: IN-3113 Added chemical state to printed data
- Feature: IN-3256 Added user id to user information in permissions page
- Feature: IN-3355 Added possibility to add default level to users
- Feature: IN-3425 Removed restart course -button from Impact trainings
- Feature: IN-3435 Site will now enforce saving when documents processing fields are being updated
- Feature: IN-3395 In document listing theres now indicator what row is the mouse pointed to
- Feature: IN-3456 Default todo user is now shown in admin panel
- Feature: IN-3456 Theres now description field in the level background image setting
- Feature: IN-3461 Theres now "empty" button for todo date -component
- Feature: IN-3472 You can now use decimal numbers for matrix values
- Feature: IN-2938 Theres now a back button in tool translations
- Feature: IN-2878 In tools page theres now the index -value shown always when available in preview
- Feature: IN-2939 Theres now clear indicator in tools page if theres translations available for the tool
- Bug fix: IN-3106 Fixed an issue with completing trainings in Impact on some occasions
- Bug fix: IN-3547 Fixed an issue of chemical link creation as organisation admin
- Bug fix: IN-3538 Fixed an bug where user could select level for a tool where he didn't have permissions for to fill it
- Bug fix: IN-3543 Fixed and bug where user default level was not possible to clear by the user
- Bug fix: IN-3549 Fixed an bug where tool was not able to be filled sometimes when show index setting was used
- Bug fix: IN-3521 Fixed a bug where weekly training emails were not sent on Mondays
- Bug fix: IN-3069 Fixed a bug where trial date was not working for organisations
- Feature: IN-3435 Site will now enforce saving when documents processing fields are being updated
- Feature: IN-2878 In tools page theres now the index -value shown always when available in preview
- Bug fix: IN-3551: Fixed an issue where some of the hazard icons in chemical risks didn't show
- Bug fix: IN-3541 Fixed an issue where json data was shown in document view sometimes
- Bug fix: IN-3542 Fixed an issue where default level disappeared visually from favourite tools randomly
- Bug fix: IN-3513 Fixed an bug where file components were not shown sometimes
- Bug fix: IN-3550 Fixed an bug where picture was not able to upload sometimes
- Bug fix: IN-3553 Fixed and bug where user default level was not possible to clear by the user
- Hotfix: You cannot now view already filled linked lists as anonymous user
- Feature: IN-2103 You can now add background photo to link forms
- Bug fix: IN-3348 Fixed bug where admins where not able to create chemical links
- Bug fix: IN-3342 Fixed issue where show private fields button was not working on some occasions
- Bug fix: IN-3335 Fixed an issue where document description was missing is some specific documents
- Bug fix: IN-3233 Risk matrixes now updates with document version
- Bug fix: IN-3341 List text fields now accepts 10 000 max characters
- Hotfix: IN-3364 Fixed issue with old risk matrices not working on already existing templates
- Feature: IN-2105 It's now possible to create public links for single chemicals (also QR -codes) and list of chemicals
- Feature: IN-3084 Made visual improvements to chemical SDS -quick help text
- Feature: IN-2718 Document description history data is now available
- Bug fix: IN-3000 Fixed an issue with updatable checklists where updating list would change the creator also
- Bug fix: IN-3245 Fixed an issue where template preview was not working for components behind plus
- Feature: IN-2925 Made few visual changes to risk assessment and and chemical pages
- Feature: 708 You can now assign default todo -user to a level
- Feature: 709 You can now assign default tododate to a specific template
- Feature: IN-3190 Made tag column smaller in analytics
- Bug fix: IN-3186 Fixed an issue where hour reporting would show ok even though there was missing reports
- Bug fix: IN-3198 Fixed an issue where template generator would sometimes inform about unsaved changes when exiting, even though there was no changes
- Bug fix: IN-3212 Fixed timezone on analytics observation listing created at column
- Bug fix: IN-3259 Own todos filter now working correctly
- Bug fix: IN-3259 Template filter on documents filter now working correctly
- Bug fix: IN-3197 Fixed an issue where updatable checklists observations were doubled
- Bug fix: IN-2892 Fixed an issue where link type lists would not translate correctly
- Bug fix: IN-3136 Fixed an issue where tools search had wrong font
- Bug fix: IN-2880 Fixed an issue where a single chemical tag would show on every chemical
- Bug fix: IN-3176 Document photo component was missing back and next photo buttons
- Bug fix: IN-3133 Fixed an issue where levels search had wrong font
- Bug fix: IN-3174 You can now return from single training view to the training listing without an error
- Bug fix: IN-3173 You can now refresh organisation admin panel without errors
- Bug fix: IN-2917 When accessing observation from analytics observation listing, user will be now correctly redirected back to analytics when closing the window
- Bug fix: IN-3117 Removed set_id from tool filling page
- Bug fix: IN-3152 When editing a tool, theres now correct helptext when components are empty
- Bug fix: IN-3140 When updating chemical risks the risk listing is working now correctly
- Bug fix: IN-3175 Fixed an issue where you couldn't select a tool from search using enter -button
- Bug fix: IN-3183 Fixed an issue with todos back and next button not working sometimes
- Bug fix: IN-3184 Fixed an issue where you could archive a document even when theres open tasks in it
- Bug fix: IN-3209 Fixed an issue where todo user could not be set sometimes
- Bug fix: IN-3213 Fixed an issue where number field would not save if user set special characters in it
- Bug fix: IN-2861 Fixed an issue where observation would get stuck when started with mobile and finished with web client
- Bug fix: IN-3153 Fixed an issue where tools filter would not work sometime
- Bug fix: IN-2966 Fixed an issue where link type lists would not translate correctly
- Bug fix: IN-3056 Document date filter is now working on app correctly
- Bug fix: IN-3055 Document template and user filter is now working correctly
- Bug fix: IN-3261 Fixed an issue where you couldn't add todo user to a observation right after completion of a tool
- Bug fix: IN-3262 Fixed an issue where default todo date was editable even though it shouldn't be
- Bug fix: IN-3264 Fixed an issue where sub todo was not deletable
- Hotfix: IN-3134 Fixed an issue where in normal or in undateable checklist uploaded images wouldn't work
- Hotfix: IN-3139 Fixed an issue where creating new tools wasn't working
- Hotfix: IN-3144 Fixed an issue where processing phase was not showing on some of the tools
- Feature: IN-2811 Updating observational data when creating a new document, it's now easier to go back to the main view with newly added buttons.
- Feature: IN-2731 Changing the selected template language will change the ui language as well
- Feature: IN-2537 Level name component will now move with the level selector component if scrolled down
- Feature: IN-2763 Centered risk assessment circles on the risk assessment page
- Feature: IN-2789 Cost centers in analytics are now shown as text, not ids
- Bug fix: IN-2862 Fixed a bug where order by wasn't working in the tools page
- Bug fix: IN-3116 Removed extra spacing on top on of the page when filling a list from a link
- Bug fix: IN-3119 Fixed a bug where assigned trainings were not showing on the listing sometimes
- Bug fix IN-3121 Fixed a bug where change on the chemical tag wouldn't update the tag correctly
- Bug fix: IN-2303 Users with chemical manager permission now see chemical widgets correctly on the front-page
- Bug fix: IN-2841 Made online class information required when adding new online training
- Bug fix: IN-2624 Fixed an issue where users component was showing on linked lists
- Bug fix: IN-2967 Level filter is now working correctly in tasks page
- Bug fix: IN-3014 Fixed an issue where opening a task in the analytic page and closing it emptied filters and incorrectly moved user to tasks page
- Bug fix: IN-3031 Fixed an issue where favorite tools would stop working if user had favorite tools and admin removed the tools from the admin panel.
- Bug fix: IN-3097 Fixed an issue where dynamic fields were not working in checklists
- Bug fix: IN-2831 Centered tool name text on the tool selector
- Hotfix: IN-3097 Fixed an issue where dynamic fields not working correctly in checklists
- Hotfix: IN-2903 Fix for tasks page permissions where users could see random level tasks in the organisation
- Hotfix: IN-2905 Fixed issue in chemical admin where updating sds last_checked column was creating completely new sds.
- Hotfix: IN-2832 Made a fix for slowness in the tasks page if organisation has many levels
- Feature: IN-2043 Possibility of giving feedback with anonymous reporting
- Feature: IN-2787 Company weekly report now has correct average index
- Feature: IN-2743 Multiple chemicals can now be added without returning to the main chemical view
- Feature: IN-2738 Print option in updatable checklist will now show version number
- Feature: IN-2244 In task view the status of the task is now tied to the users subtask status
- Feature: IN-2690 You can now search favorite tools from frontpage
- Feature: IN-2734 When organisation admin is being selected you can now select by dropdown menu
- Feature: IN-2704 Favorite tools are now correctly translated
- Feature: IN-2777 Chemical risk assessment columns are now in correct order
- Feature: IN-2713 Breadcrumb navigation removed from Impact
- Feature: IN-1273 Added close button to chemical item page
- Feature: IN-2736 You can now search list values when adding new alerts
- Feature: IN-2828 When task is marked done, its hidden from the tasks page listing
- Bug: IN-2747 System will now give error when you try to add name that is unavailable
- Bug: IN-2711 Organisation selection visual bug fixed
- Bug: IN-2748 Fixed an issue with required fields in dynamic fields
- Bug: IN-2775 Chemicals page hide button is now correctly translated
- Bug: IN-2824 Fixed an issue where favorite tool couldn't be started
- Bug: IN-2793 Fixed an issue with favorite tools search missing a default text
- Bug: IN-2797 Fixed an issue with chemicals page pagination
- Bug: IN-2826 Fixed an issue where in chemical sds page the language selection was unavailable when there was only one language version
- Bug: IN-2827 Fixed an issue in document printing where version and date was in wrong format
- Feature: IN-2239 App version number is now shown on bottom of the page
- Bug: IN-2645 Date in chemicals page now shows in correct format
- Feature: IN-2770 Fixed an issue where opening analytics in a organisation with a lot of levels
- Feature: IN-2587 New risk assesment feature was released
- Bug: IN-2720 Fixed an issue where monday reminder emails were not sent
- Bug: IN-2710 Fixed an issue where organisation trial banner was shown even though there was no trial
- Bug: IN-2707 Fixed an issue where Radio- component selections were not in line with each other
- Bug: IN-2707 Fixed an issue where user would delete a template but it would not deleted it from organisations users favorite tools
- Feature: IN-2538 Hid seconds from Todo date -component information
- Feature: IN-2579 Replacement chemical producer is now shown in the UI
- Feature: IN-2265 When filling a list from a link, document language is now shown as a flag always on the top right corner were the language selection is
- Feature: IN-2642 Few minor changes to tighten the UI in general
- Bug: IN-2628 Tags of chemicals now correctly shown in the export
- Bug: IN-2626 Chemical variants are now correctly shown in the chemical sds print
- Bug: IN-2689 Fixed an issue where adding of a new organisation from admin panel wasn't working
- Bug: IN-2692 Fixed an issue where tool preview bugged out when text field -component was too long
- Bug: IN-2246 Fixed an issue where user after closing a task couldn't move to the next one from navigation
- Bug: IN-2582 Added correct translations for "name cannot be empty" -error
- Bug: IN-2696 Fixed an bug where new components couldn't be dragged on template editor
- Bug: IN-2697 Fixed an bug where editor UI broke when certain component settings were selected
- Bug: IN-2539 Fixed an issue where risk matrices didn't give an error even though required data was missing
- Feature: IN-2095 Dynamic fields are here! Test them by visiting template editor
- Feature: IN-2495 When copying templates, also translations are copied
- Feature: IN-2506 If organisation does not have an logo, default Kiwa logo is used by default
- Feature: IN-2354 Theres now more space after processing fields in actions page
- Feature: IN-2431 Navigation bar on the right now highlights the active page more clearly
- Feature: IN-2432 Small ui tweaks for the navigation cards on the site
- Bug fix: IN-2611 Made the toaster more clearer when subtask is updated
- Bug fix: IN-2528 Fixed a bug where there was incorrect levels in the favourite tool selection
- Bug fix: IN-2535 Fixed a bug where help text were not working when filling a new document
- Bug fix: IN-2553 In tool preview private fields are now shown correctly
- Bug fix: IN-2558 Color names in template values are now translating correctly
- Bug fix: IN-2555 Todo user -component is now shown correctly in the template builder preview
- Bug fix IN-2561 User -component is now shown correctly in the template preview
- Bug fix IN-2052 Fixed a bug with Documents / actions / chemicals next page button
- Bug fix: IN-2552 Info texts are now shown correctly in the template preview
- Bug fix: IN-2404 Theres now spacing after photo or GPS -component
- Bug fix: IN-2126 Theres now better email validation for adding new organisation admins
- Bug fix: IN-2405 Fixed a bug where top level in hour reporting was only shown when page was refreshed
- Bug fix: IN-2434 Status filters are not reset in actions page, when visiting an action and coming back
- Feature: IN-2042 Changed the outlook of forms to replicate web behaviour
- Feature: IN-2581 Replace chemical is now shown in app when chemical is discontinued
- Bug fix: IN-2571 Fixed an issue where screen was jumping to incorrect position when scrolling through actions
- Bug fix: IN-2570 "(*) Required " help text was shown incorrectly under every row when filling a list
- Feature: IN-2326 Template builder beta now has an official release
- Feature: IN-2179 AD -login for iOS now available
- Feature: IN-2344 Admins can now copy existing templates to create new ones
- Feature: IN-2326 Refactored template builder and added new beta version for it to test it
- Feature: IN-2302 Fixed admin panel navigation to match the general navigation of the site
- Bug fix: IN-2486 Fixed an bug where you couldn't add new row to a Radio button component when editing an existing one
- Bug fix: IN-2473 Fixed an issue where documents wouldn't sort by user correctly
- Bug fix: IN-2465 Fixed an issue where checklist info was shown as double sometimes
- Between 21.03.2022 - 25.03.2022 10:25 (GMT+2) some users have experienced problems with uploading photos from web or app. This was caused due to changes to firewall rules. Issue as been solved and uploading photos should work normally again.
- Feature: IN-2221 When sending a comment in tasks page, you can now select multiple people outside of the todo to send the notification about the comment.
- Feature: IN-2254 Link in emails about new tools being filled now redirects to correct organisation if the user has permissions in multiple organisations
- Feature:
- Bug fix: IN-2395 Fixed an issue in APP where you couldn't open an image by clicking it on a document
- Bug fix: IN-2360 Fixed an issue where tasks page document link didn't work
- Bug fix: IN-2387 Fixed an issue where todo comments showed wrong person as closer
- Bug fix: IN-2429 Fixed an issue where adding new chemicals made duplicate icons
- Bug fix: IN-2383 Fixed an issue with analytics frequency where values filter didn't work properly
- Bug fix: IN-2389 Custom matrix component help text can now be translated
- Bug fix: IN-2390 Last updated column had wrong swedish translations in Tools page
- Bug fix: IN-2393 Fixed alert notification typos
- Bug fix: IN-2393 New tool emails now include the organisation name where it has been sent from
- Bug fix: IN-2388 Fixed an issue where some of the buttons in template editor were missing if you had specific permissions
- Bug fix: IN-2357 Fixed an bug where custom matrix value dimensions could be bigger then the templates dimensions
- Bug fix: IN-2301 Fixed an bug where some chemical statements were shown 3 times when adding new ones to chemicals
- Bug fix: IN-2368 Fixed an issue in analytics where resizing the window would refresh the site completely
- Bug fix: IN-2380 Fixed an issue where refreshing page on documents or tasks listing would empty the filters
- Bug fix: IN-2376 Fixed an issue where wide images in photos -component was packed heavily
- Feature: IN-2252 Theres now selectable processing time column in analytics observations tab
- Feature: IN-2207 Added more information for version history in updatable checklists
- Feature: IN-2220 Theres now possibility to add custom users to notifications about comments in tasks page
- Feature: IN-2174 Theres now last modified column in tasks page which indicates when was the last time that the specific task was updated
- Hotfix: IN-2121 Fixed an issue of missing processing data when updating tasks in APP offline mode.
- Hotfix: IN-2208 Fixed an security error in analytics
- Hotfix: IN-2245 Fixed an issue where index tab in analytics was showing incorrect data in some rare cases
- Hotfix: IN-2287 Fixed an issue where observations filter was not working in analytics
- Hotfix: IN-2242 Fixed an issue where notification settings were not working on reminder emails
- Hotfix: IN-2242 Fixed an issue where multiple level alert didn't trigger an alert
- Bug fix: IN-2238 Fixed an issue where todouser -component popped on top of everything when selected
- Bug fix: IN-1980 todouser -component selections were hidden behind onscreen keyboard
- Bug fix: IN-2116 Costcenters are now correctly saved when filling a list in offline mode
- Bug fix: IN-1932 Fixed an issue where privacy policy text was in top of login button
- Bug fix: IN-1979 Fixed image preview scaling when filling lists to better fit mobile / tabled sized screens
- Hotfix: IN-2242 Fixed an issue where notification settings were not working for reminder emails.
- Feature: IN-1900 Added translations to alert settings
- Feature: IN-1835 Adjusted the size of the level tree selection for favorite tools
- Feature: IN-2005 Added task description as a selectable column in browse -tab in analytics
- Bug fix: IN-2235 Year, Quarter and All Time units are now working in Frequency and Index -charts
- Bug fix: IN-2234 Fixed a bug where updatable checklists couldn't be updated
- Bug fix: IN-2237 Fixed an issue where private matrix values were not shown in documents page
- Bug fix: IN-2021 Underline in Process -tab now appears in correct position
- Bug fix: IN-2140 Searching with multiple chemical hazard icons works now
- Bug fix: IN-1650 Fixed an issue where printing a document removed spaces from the document
- Bug fix: IN-1836 Give feedback to reported field now disappears correctly when user changes tasks
- Bug fix: IN-1894 Fixed an issue with wording when users fill lists through a link, where previously there was a text that user can get feedback if he leaves e-mail address even though "Enable feedback" is off
- Bug fix: IN-1897 Template names will now translate correctly in the front page if translation is given
- Bug fix: IN-2149 Blocked adding todouser and tododate -components in form template processing phase
- Bug fix: IN-1602 If user is in sing document page and closes it, it will now return the user to the correct page that the user was browsing, before entering a single document page.
- Bug fix: IN-1538 When accessing document or a task by email link, translations are now working correctly
- Bug fix: IN-1846 In permissions page permissions are now following the users list component for ease of use
- Bug fix: IN-2140 Searching with multiple chemical hazard icons works now
- Feature: IN-2210 Added email validation for app email fields, all emails must comply with RFC 2822
- Feature: IN-2003 App will now save all of the taken photos also locally
- Feature: IN-2094 User can now open todos from document item view
- Feature: IN-2162 There is now support for smaller text component in app
- Bug fix: IN-2212 Fixed a bug where some of the text wouldn't translate in app
- Feature: IN-2172 Users can now use Azure AD to login into Impact
- Feature: IN-1943 New custom matrix charts are now available in analytics
- Feature: IN-1945 Categories dashboard values chart is now on top
- Feature: IN-1998 Theres now all time filter in analytics
- Feature: IN-2015 Theres now version history for updatable checklists
- Feature: IN-1999 Theres now new and improved document printing page
- Feature: IN-2186 Multiple minor visual changes to risks dashboard
- Feature: IN-2150 You can now set text components small in the component settings
- Feature: IN-2093 Users can now open document todos from documents item view
- Bug: IN-2199 Fixed an issue where user component didn't create users when user was not found
- Bug: IN-2206 and IN-2209 Made a filter that blocks out emails from all possible inputs that do not comply with RFC 2822
- Bug: IN-2168 Fixed an issue with frequency chart and time filters, where if Year filter was selected chart wouldn't draw data.
- Bug: IN-2205 Fixed an issue where observation data were missing from documents page
- Bug: IN-2200 Fixed an issue where custom matrix risk name translation was not working
- Bug: IN-2211 Fixed an issue where users added by the user component were not showing in the documents page
- Bug: IN-2192 Fixed an issue where archived updatable checklist was still shown in updatable checklist listing
- Bug: IN-1620 Fixed an issue where in lists that were not finished Swedish translations were not working properly
- Bug: IN-1986 In tasks page text "Clear" is now "All tasks"
- Feature: IN-1446 users can delete and archive undateable checklists
- Feature: IN-1911 Chemical admins can update old sds without creating new one
- Feature: IN-1912 Chemical admins can change visibility of chemical sds's
- Feature: IN-1884 Added possibility to add new custom matrix components to templates. These are fully customisable matrixes that are not bound by static lenght, height or value.
- Feature: IN-2102 Made the site work faster for global impact admins
- Feature: IN-2033 Made underlying server infrastructure changes to increase uptime of the servers on peak hours
- Feature: IN-2010 Installed bot control features to productions servers to block harmful traffic across the servers
- Bug fix: IN-2115 Fixed an issue where private data was not shown correctly on documents page when user had permission for it.
- Bug fix: IN-2135 Shown private fields button is now shown correctly for the list creator
- Bug fix: IN-2088 Summary emails settings now work correctly
- Bug fix: IN-2082 Todo user component shown german translations as a default, fixed now to show correct one.
- Bug fix: IN-2086 Tasks page now correctly shows most up to date data on all cases. Before there were case where lists first filled data was shown.
- Bug fix: IN-2092 Some backend request was sent as double across the site, fixed so that only one request is now sent.
- Feature: IN-1884 Added possibility to add new custom matrix components to templates. These are fully customisable matrixes that are not bound by static lenght, height or value.
- Feature: IN-2102 Made the site work faster for global impact admins
- Feature: IN-2033 Made underlying server infrastructure changes to increase uptime of the servers on peak hours
- Feature: IN-2010 Installed bot control features to productions servers to block harmful traffic across the servers
- Bug fix: IN-2092 Some backend request was sent as double across the site, fixed so that only one request is now sent.
- Bug fix: IN-2104 Fixed issue where taking photo from a gallery in 15.1 crashed the app
- Hotfix: IN-2032 Fixed issue where Android splash screen was stretching unnecessary and wrong app icon was showing
- Hotfix: IN-2035 Fixed issue where adding new file in iOS gave an error in some cases
- Hotfix: IN-2039 Fixed an issue where user was adding new subtask and text was translated incorrectly
- Hotfix: IN-2041 Fixed issue where user could complete tasks without filling the mandatory fields
- Fix: IN-1944 Made a mandatory update to Android app so it targets API level 30
- Fix: IN-2028 Fixed issue where photo preview was not working on updatable checklists
- Feature: IN-2002 App is now using Capasitor instead of Cordova
- Hotfix: IN-2030 Added email validation to feedback email in lists filled through links
- Hotfix: IN-2012 Fixed organisation name in emails
- Hotfix: IN-2007 Fixed an issue with Monday reminder emails
- Hotfix: IN-2017 Fixed bug with risk components not showing values in forms
- Feature: IN-1599 Users without admin or chemical admin permissions can't now see add chemical button or edit chemical tags.
- Feature: IN-1983 Increased the time when Impact checks for new notifications from 30s to 60s
- Feature: IN-1597 Added new permissions called Chemical Manager, which can do most of the admin work on chemicals on organisations
- Feature: IN-1816 There is now information if a chemical sds is not updated anymore
- Feature: IN-1809 Chemicals can be now searched with tags
- Feature: IN-1752 Monday todo reminder emails now have observation id
- Feature: IN-1619 In Monday reminder emails that relate to the unassigned tasks in your responsible area the button correctly now forwards to correct page
- Feature: IN-1823 All of the emails now contain organisation name on the bottom
- Bug fix: IN-1926 Sorting with risk matrix values now works in analytics
- Bug fix: IN-1957 Fixed an issue where chemicals page search had to be clicked twice for it to work.
- Bug fix: IN-1923 Documents without any observations are not shown correctly in analytics
- Feature: IN-1813 Replacement chemical is now shown in the quick guide tab
- Feature: IN-1820 When chemical sds is not updated, it is shown in the chemical sds
- Feature IN-1783 Chemical search box is now shown in the chemical listing page
- Feature IN-1827 Decreased chemical name length in the cards title
- Bug fix: IN-1956 Chemicals search now search on press of an enter button
- Bug fix: IN-1976 Todo component now saves correct date on lists
- Bug fix: IN-1896 Save button is now correctly disabled if email format is incorrect in the users profile page
- Bug fix: IN-1917 Fixed an issue where photos uploaded while in offline broke lists
- Feature: IN-1768 Uploaded new screenshots for the APP
- Bug fix: IN-1895 Fixed a bug where using a switch component caused UI to scroll to the top
- Bug fix: IN-1929 Fixed an issue where user was shown levels that he does not have tools permission to.
- Feature: IN-1800 Added email validation to profile page email changes
- Feature: IN-1613 Added notification manager settings for the user
- Bug fix: IN-1869 Fixed bug where users could complete list with mandatory fields not filled
- Feature: IN-1904 Update to todos logic. You can now delete your own todos that you have created
- Bug fix: IN-1872 Fixed bug where documents without any processing data would not show data correctly
- Bug fix: IN-1881 Statements are now shown correctly in Excel export
- Bug fix: IN-1880 Statements are now shown correctly in quick quide
- Bug fix: IN-1878 Fixed bug with level dropdown when updating document
- Feature: IN-1798 When admin is adding new users to the organisation from the permissions page, email is now checked to be in valid format.
- Feature: IN-1799 When user is updating own email, it's now validated to be in valid format
- Bug fix : IN-1828 Fixed issue where new components or words had translation as a default when they shouldn't
- Feature: IN-1830 Removed three date columns from Chemical Admin-page Chemical listing
- Bug fix: IN-1725 Fixed isssue where chemical search with plus (+) symbol didn't work
- Feature: IN-1564 Published beta Login page for Azure AD
- Feature: IN-1685 Added possibility to add chemical statement variants when adding new SDS
- Bug fix: IN-1841 Fixed a bug where user couldn't manage template specific notifications
- Bug fix: IN-1871 Fixed a bug where users profile page button was now showing up if user had no first- or lastname set. Now email is shown on the button, if both of them are missing.
- Feature: IN-1512 Email notification management
- Feature: IN-1172 Monday reminder emails are now divided by organisation (1 organisation, 1 email)
- Fix: IN-1721 Updates to the alert logic
- Fix: IN-1854 Fixed an issue where showing_from_to_records_of_total_records did not translate
- Fix: IN-1856 Fixed an issue where in request password page first and last character was not shown.
- Fix: IN-1855 Fixed issue where selected tool name was too up in the tools menu
- Fix: IN-1741 Fixed bug where template editor hid some of the text on the page
- Release: New impact 5.0.0 was released
- Fix: IN-1723 Added Romania as an accepted language to make translations for templates
- Fix: IN-1726 Fixed issue with Datetime picker
- Fix: IN-1710 Chemical admin now works correctly with Polish language
- Fix: IN-1722 Fixed issue where QR -links made Delete- and Continue Later -Buttons disappear
- Fix: IN-1609 Fixed issue with missing components in Observations
- Fix: IN-1608 Export chemicals listing now works correctly with with level filter
- Fix: IN-1635 Tasks private fields are now working correctly
- Fix: IN-1592: Observation information is no longer overrun by information from other observation in certain situations.
- FIX: IN-15