How to use a cost center

This guide will show how to use the Impact cost center tag.

How to collect cost center data in tools

To use the cost center for analytics, cost center component must be added to the tools for data collection. You will find a guide on how to create a cost center structure here.

The process of adding a cost center component to the tools is briefly described below.

Checklist and Updatable checklist 

The Ask cost center option creates a line for the cost center information at the top of the list.

The cost center row can be named as you want. The cost center row is always mandatory and public.


The Ask Cost center option creates a new component that can be named as you want. The location and name of the component can be changed in the Creating and Processing boxes and rules can be created for it as for other components. The cost center component is always mandatory and public.

Using the cost center data

Cost center data can be used in analytics to filter data and calculate the accident frequency. Below we have gone through a few ways of using cost center data.

Filtering documents by cost center

From Analytics, you can search for all documents in a specific cost center using cost center filtering. Cost center filtering allows you to select more than one cost center for the same search.

Saving the cost center data of a person injured in an accident

The cost center information in the tool is useful for recording the cost center of a person injured in accident reports. At the same time, the number of accidents per cost center can also be tracked through analytics.

Calculation of accident frequency

The accident frequency can be calculated for each cost center based on the cost center data collected in the accident forms and the hours worked recorded in the hourly accounts. The accident frequency can be viewed through the frequency tab in the analytics. Instructions on how to record hours in the timesheet can be found here.