When will I receive notifications or emails from Impact?

This guide describes the situations in which you may receive notifications on Impact or by email.

In Impact, account owners can manage organization-specific notification settings and user-specific notification settings for individual users. The organization can also allow users to edit their own notification settings. You can find more detailed information on how to manage notifications in our helpdesk:

Below is a list of situations that will send a notification to the user:

  • You have been assigned a new task.
  • The user closes a task which you have created or for which you are responsible.
  • The user adds a comment to a task you have created or are responsible for.
  • The user adds training for you.
  • Your training has become out of date.
  • The user creates a tool for a location for which you have the Tasks permission.
  • Organization created an alert, and that alert is activated.
  • The user passes the online training you assigned.
  • The user deletes the training from you or changes the training information.
  • The user posted a new message in a conversation in which you are participating.
  • On Mondays you will receive a summary of all your pending assignments, as well as expiring trainings.

Examples of task notifications


The user has task permission in the same location where the task is

Responsible user for the task

A responsible person has been assigned to the task and a deadline has been exceeded.

Get a notification

Get a notification

There is a responsible person for the task and a deadline, which will be reached in 2 weeks.

Get a notification

Get a notification

A responsible person has been assigned to the task, but no deadline has been set.

Get a notification

Get a notification

No responsible person has been assigned to the task, but a deadline has been set and has been exceeded.

Get a notification

Not receiving notification

No responsible person has been assigned to the task, but a deadline has been set and it will be reached in 2 weeks.

Get a notification

Not receiving notification

A responsible person is assigned to the task and a deadline is set, which will be reached in more than 2 weeks.

Not receiving notification

Not receiving notification

No responsible person has been assigned to the task, but a deadline has been set and will be reached in more than 2 weeks.

Not receiving notification

Not receiving notification


If for any reason you are not getting the notifications you want, or if you are getting more notifications than you want, please contact your organization´s Account owners.

In the case of email notifications not reaching you, please check with your IT support person that emails with the ending @kiwaimpact.com do not get caught in your email firewall or go to junk mail. This should always be cleared to ensure a smooth use of Impact.